


Outdoor gear

Gives us joy and excitement.
It has beauty born of functionality.
It has the ever-evolving wisdom.
It has a mission to protect life and to keep us safe.

When we gather
The souls of the artisans
Behind each piece of gear,
The present and the future of the outdoors will be revealed.



Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, is a world-class outdoor destination.
Held in this town of crafts, this event is a celebration of outdoor gear and culture filled with craftsmanship.

Event Title



October 6, 7 and 8, 2023

October 6 is the day for manufacturers/dealers/buyers/media


Yamabiko Dome

9036-4, Airport East, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, 390-1131 Japan


ALPS OUTDOOR SUMMIT General Incorporated Association

Manufacturers' Booths

The event will bring together domestic and international camping and mountaineering manufacturers who have mastered craftsmanship. There will also be overseas manufacturers exhibiting for the first time in Japan. They will share their philosophies, and exhibit and sell their products. Please come and feel their "passion for craftsmanship".

Mini booths for outdoor culture

Manufacturers and companies that convey outdoor culture will gather in the perimeter area inside the dome. They will bring a perspective to the event that is not about the gear. Books, films, websites, and other products to enjoy outdoor will be on display and for sale.

Talk Event Speakers

Tsutomu Mizutani

Director of the National Park Utilization Promotion Office, National Park Division of Nature Conservation Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan VIEW MORE

Lah, Jeh Kun

Chairman of DAC VIEW MORE

Yoshio Igawa

Representative of Director of ogawa VIEW MORE

Wang Jigang

Representative of Director of THE FREE SPIRITS VIEW MORE

Cam Brensinger


Yuri Yosumi


Hiroshi Nogawa

Director of Chubu-Sangaku National Park Management Office, Ministry of the Environment VIEW MORE


HERITAGE Planning & Development VIEW MORE

Jeong Byoungkil

Representative of Director of MINIMAL WORKS VIEW MORE

Arata Iura

Brand Director of ELNEST CREATIVE ACTIVITY, Representative of Kruhi, actor VIEW MORE

Dana Gleason


Dana 3 Gleason

product director of MYSTERY RANCH VIEW MORE

Yuka Koishi

Camping coordinator, illustrator, manga artist VIEW MORE

Takao Akatsu

Chairman of A&F VIEW MORE

Megumi Imada

Representative of Hodakadake sanso VIEW MORE


Representative of Goko pasture VIEW MORE

Joji Miyake


Shigeki Mineo


Kei Kosugi


Masami Nishiwaki

Mochizuki Outdoor.

Naoto Sone


Tomoyuki Kawai

A&F Corporation




Koichi Ushida


Ryosuke Sakuma


Yasuna Sato

Director of the National Park Utilization Promotion Office, National Park Division of Nature Conservation Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan Tsutomu Mizutani

Joined the Environment Agency in 2000. In addition to working for the Natural Environment Bureau, the Minister, the Waste and Recycling Department, and the Global Environment Bureau, he also went to the Permanent Mission of Japan to International Organizations in Geneva, the City of Yokohama, and the Nuclear Regulation Authority. From July 2022, he served as Director of the Recycling Promotion Office, Environmental Regeneration and Resource Recycling Bureau, and assumed his current position from July 2023.

Chairman of DAC Lah, Jeh Kun

DAC, a Korean company, has sought to make tents lighter and more durable based on the question, "What functions should a tent have in order to be a product that consumers want?" We continue to develop products that are more comfortable, wind-resistant and safer inside, resulting in new pole developments, tent geometry and a revolution in the construction of aluminum products.Currently, in addition to supplying poles to tent manufacturers around the world, we also develop the Helinox chair brand, which is familiar to Japanese people. He also participated in the development of corporate tent models and led the innovation of aluminum poles.

Representative of Director of ogawa Yoshio Igawa

Born in 1967. Born in Tokyo. Joined Ogawa Tent Co., Ltd. in 1992. After working in quality control and sales positions, he worked at Ogawa Campal Co., Ltd., which was spun off into an independent company, and then became CEO of Campal Japan Co., Ltd. in 2016. Develops the outdoor brand "ogawa" that has been around for over 100 years.

Representative of Director of THE FREE SPIRITS Wang Jigang

At the age of 16, he entered the world of tent design and got a job at a Korean OEM company. With experience in on-site manufacturing such as pole design, fabric cutting and sewing, he served as the person in charge of tent design and directed OEM operations for approximately 70 of the world's most famous tent brands.In 2010, he left the company he worked for for 17 years.Aiming to become the world's number one tent brand, he founded TFS in 2011 and launched PreTents in 2013. Influenced by Japan's camp scene such as Off the Grid and GO OUT, it has been categorized into 4 labels since 2018.

NEMO Equipment CEO Cam Brensinger

Born in 1976. In 2002, while attending Rhode Island School of Design, one of America's top art universities, he founded NEMO Equipment, where he served as CEO, lead designer, and innovator. He also serves on the board of the Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) and is actively involved in climate change issues.He is also a passionate outdoorsman with extensive experience in rock/ice climbing, MTB, and surfing. His hobbies other than outdoor activities include woodworking and DIY, and he is skilled enough to build a tree house.

Representative of MOUNTAIN DAISY PRODUCTS Yuri Yosumi

She sparked the women's mountain climbing boom that spread the "mountain skirt'' in Japan. After working as a Sanrio product planner and a kimono dresser, she started her artistic career with the desire to "help many women feel the joy of being in touch with nature." He is involved in lecturing, writing, and planning and developing outdoor wear and gear, and has created many hits with collaboration items with Berghaus, AIGLE, Marmot, etc. In the fall of 2023, he will launch his own original brand “MOUNTAIN DAISY PRODUCTS”. My life's work is to travel to mountains all over Japan and enjoy the local food and culture. His publications include "Step-by-Step Introduction to Mountain Walking'' and "12 Months of Mountain Climbing.''

Director of Chubu-Sangaku National Park Management Office, Ministry of the Environment Hiroshi Nogawa

Joined the Ministry of the Environment in 2001, and after being in charge of garden management at Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, his first appointment, he visited four national parks: Rishiri Rebun-Sarobetsu, Yoshino-Kumano, Shiretoko, and Daisetsuzan, and created many initiatives to protect and utilize nature. conduct. After that, he was responsible for the protection and management of wild birds and animals, the management of radioactive waste, and the system design of national parks, and in August 2023, he will return to work in charge of national park sites for the first time in about seven years. My motto is to walk, see, and listen. Graduated from Shinshu University.

HERITAGE Planning & Development Nonaka

Born December 18, 1953 in Fukushima Prefecture. Since high school, he has been skipping classes and climbing mountains. After entering Rissho University, he climbed mountains both domestically and internationally with the Seiryo Climbing Association, making numerous first ascents (cultivating routes) in both snowy and non-snowy seasons.After joining Heritage in 1985, he developed successive Espers tents and mountain rescue products, and even before UL (Ultra Light) attracted attention, he believed that "lightweight and compact equipment creates harmony and harmony between climbers and nature.'' Be aware of this and put it into practice. Currently, we are continuing to explore the ultimate tents, such as the "Crossover Dome'' and "Hi-Revo'' series.

Representative of Director of MINIMAL WORKS Jeong Byoungkil

Before we go out into nature, we prepare.The closer you are to maximum preparation, the closer you are to minimum communion with nature.The closer your preparation is to the minimum, the closer to the maximum your communion with nature will be.I am Jeon Byung-gil, the representative of MINIMAL WORKS, who designs an outdoor life that becomes a part of life, communes with nature, and prioritizes safety above all else in order to have a fun outdoor life.

Brand Director of ELNEST CREATIVE ACTIVITY, Representative of Kruhi, actor Arata Iura

"I started working with actors in 1998. It's been 16 years since I launched "ELNEST CREATIVE ACTIVITY'' with my friends in 2007. Now, she and her family have launched a 100% natural sustainable cosmetics brand, Kruhi, and together they continue to pursue creative activities, which is their purpose in life and what they are best at.

Owner of MYSTERY RANCH Dana Gleason

Started his career as an outdoor gear repairman. A living legend in the outdoor gear world, he has lived in Bozeman, Montana since 1975 and has been involved in creating innovative packs for multiple brands including Kletter Works and Dana Design.He founded "Mystery Ranch'' in 2000 and now, as the owner, pours his passion into running the company every day.

product director of MYSTERY RANCH Dana 3 Gleason

He is Dana Gleason's son and has been a staff member of "Mystery Lunch'' since its early days. He trained as a cutter and worked as an assistant under his father, Dana, before becoming a designer.Currently, as a product director, he leads the product development team. In addition to outdoor activities, he is also knowledgeable about culture and fashion.

Camping coordinator, illustrator, manga artist Yuka Koishi

We communicate the richness of life with camping and propose a camping style that anyone can easily do. His main activities include product design, campsite production, and media appearances. On the other hand, as a manga artist, he has written many introductory manga related to hobbies, not just camping.Major books: “I’ll start with a camera!” ”, “Relaxed camping guidebook”, “Even I could make spice curry”, etc.

Chairman of A&F Takao Akatsu

Born in 1947 in Shiojiri City, Nagano Prefecture. After graduating from Nihon University College of Art, Department of Photography, he studied under photographer Daitomo Yoshida, then worked as a freelance photographer, and in 1977 founded A&F Co., Ltd., an outdoor goods import and wholesale business. Became chairman in 2012. His publications include "Sports Knife Research'' (Kodansha) and "Outdoor Survival Techniques'' (Chikyumaru).

Representative of Hodakadake sanso Megumi Imada

Born in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture in 1985, 38 years old. Third generation of Hotakadake Sanso. After graduating from Waseda University in 2008, he joined Hotakadake Sanso. Currently CEO. Inheriting from his father the policy of creating a mountain hut in a harsh environment into an orthodox yet modern and comfortable place, he aims to create the ideal mountain hut for modern mountain climbing. Currently, she is the mother of two children, and is currently working hard on administrative and public relations duties as well as child rearing from the mountain villa office in Hida-Kamioka, leaving the work of the mountain villa to the staff. This year, which marks the 100th anniversary of the mountain lodge, I was able to spend some time there with my children for the first time in a while. Some of my most memorable mountain climbs are Mt. Kitadake, Mt. Fuji in June, Omote Ginza Traverse, and Kinabalu.

Representative of Goko pasture Yoshizawa

Born in Kawakami Village, Minamisaku District, Nagano Prefecture in 1977, 46 years old. Representative director of Goko Farm Co., Ltd. The land that my grandfather pioneered after the war has now come to be recognized as a campsite due to the changes of the times. “Living simply by slowly returning to the wild!” has been my theme for the past few years. Actually, I live in a temple as a Zen priest.


All-weather outdoor lighter. He has the experience of wandering all over the world, including across Eurasia, the Sahara Desert, Africa, South America, and the South Pacific. Currently based in Shonan, he continues to travel freely, from sea kayaking to high-altitude mountain climbing. He is in charge of serialization in outdoor and mountain magazines such as "BE-PAL'', "Yama to Keikoku'', and "PEAKS''. He is particularly knowledgeable about gear and conducts numerous field tests throughout the year.

Koichi Ushida

An "outdoor jack-of-all-trades'' who mainly works with attached press specializing in outdoor activities, but is also involved in coordinating various photo shoots and organizing events.

Ryosuke Sakuma

Born and raised in Tokyo. Owner of "-be-Kita Karuizawa Camp Field" in the Kita Karuizawa area of ​​Gunma Prefecture. After retiring from his job at a daily necessities manufacturer, he embarked on a two-year journey from March 2014 to campgrounds all over Japan. We are planning a collaboration item "Garage Tent" with Tenmaku Design. He has written a book called "Camping Career Guide,'' which introduces jobs related to camping. He runs a campground and continues to explore the appeal of camping.

Yasuna Sato

After working in the editorial department of the outdoor media "Randone", became independent in 2020. Founded Cooka Co., Ltd., which operates communities and creates content for people who enjoy mountain climbing and the outdoors. Additionally, using her experience as an editor, she is involved in regional consulting, product development, and event planning. Belongs to Hobonichi Co., Ltd. since 2023. I like traveling around the mountains and the foothills and drinking alcohol.

Yellow Bus Charlie 愛をもって1品1品


深志荘キッチンカー 手抜きせず、嘘をつかず、条件のなかで最善を尽くす。

複雑で奥深い味に仕上げる隠し味のそばつゆは、信州そばでも有名な「民芸旅館 深志荘」のもの。地産地消にこだわり、山賊焼きの普及に尽力する「松本山賊焼き応援団」の副団長が調理しています。ジューシーで旨味のある松本山賊焼きをお楽しみください!

松本メーヤウ 世代を問わず誰でも楽しめる、


Pizza Verde Matsumoto Pizzaは心で焼く


LYDIAN 東西文明の交差点トルコから、日本の食卓をもっと豊かに。


燻製工房KUNMARU 美味しさの源流の森を、もっと身近に。

猟師でもある店主が造る自家製ソーセージ「無添加 森のソーセージ串」は、森で育った「信州鹿」と大地でのびのび育った「安曇野放牧豚」を贅沢に使った逸品。お肉本来の旨みをしっかりと味わえます。人気の燻製ポテトチップスや目の前で仕上げる燻したてスモークチーズなど、こだわりの燻製料理を提供します。

焼きたて屋 常に焼きたての商品で、お客さまに喜んでいただくために。


Dolce ViVi 生地からフルーツに至るまで、信州の食材にこだわったスイーツを。


FAT LAND 味も見た目も美味しく。


松本ブルワリー あなたにエールを!地域に潤いを!


大信州酒造株式会社 信州の気候・風土が詰まった、”天恵の美酒”を目指して。

キャンプ好きの蔵人達が何度も焚き火を囲みながら考案した日本酒「大信州 炎ノ縁 en no en」は、どんな温度帯で飲んでもおいしい酒。焚火を囲み仲間と語らう。そんな場面に寄り添えるお酒です。自然を楽しむひと時に、自然の恵みから生れた一滴を味わっていただければ幸いです。

長野 修平さんによるクラフト体験
日程・時間 10/7(土)・8(日) ①11:00 ②13:00 ③15:00 (所要時間:約1時間)
場所 / 参加料 / 定員 Cエリア / 1,000円 / 1回6名
概要 長野 修平さんによる木ベラを作るワークショップ
主催 長野 修平(ネイチャークラフト作家)
モーラナイフ公認日本・台湾ローカルアンバサダー。ネイチャークラフト作家&アウトドア料理人。自然素材や古材を使った生活具の制作や山菜&焚き火料理を得意とし、雑誌・ウェブ連載、ワークショップ講師などで活躍中。神奈川・道志川の畔で半セルフビルドの自宅兼アトリエ「みのむしハウス」で里山暮らしをしながらアトリエ「NATURE WORKS」を主宰し、物づくりや自然の楽しさを伝えている。
日程・時間 10/8(日) ・10:30-12:00、13:30-15:00
場所/ 参加料 / 定員 Gエリア / 500円 / 1回 15人
概要 落ち葉などの色とりどりの葉っぱでカラフルな生き物を作ります
主催 葉っぱ写真家・環境マンガ家・クリエーティブディレクター
本田 亮
日大芸術学部写真学科卒業 元・電通クリエーティブディレクター
日程・時間 10/7(土)・8(日) 10:00-17:00
場所 Cエリア
参加料 無料
定員 なし
概要 林業のプロによるチェーンソーパフォーマンス、薪割り・焚き付け作り・着火など、原木から薪を作り、エネルギーを産むまでを体験します。焚き火関連本の販売や、製品の実演も行います。
主催 ファイヤーサイド
日程・時間 10/7(土)・8(日) 10:30-15:00
場所 Gエリア
参加料 1,500円
定員 1回につき1人
概要 スウェーデントーチは、切れ込みを入れた丸太に火を灯して使う焚き火道具。今回は針葉樹の丸太にチェーンソーで切れ込みを入れ、スウェーデントーチを作ります。秋のキャンプに使えそう!
主催 株式会社アスピア・甲信アルプスホーム株式会社
日程・時間 10/7(土)・8(日) 10:30-11:30、13:30-14:30
場所 Gエリア
参加料 500円
定員 1回につき10人
概要 上高地・大正池で採取された砂に水を混ぜてセメントを作り、牛乳パックに流し込みオリジナルの鉢植えを作ります。使い道の無い砂を再利用した、サステナブルな鉢植えです。小さな植物を入れてプレゼント!
主催 株式会社アスピア
日程・時間 10/7(土)・8(日) 12:00-13:00、15:00-16:00
場所 Gエリア
参加料 1,000円
定員 1回につき10人
概要 虫除けのアロマを蝋に溶かして、アウトドアでも使えるキャンドルを作ろう!
主催 kotobukirokets
日程・時間 10/7(土)・8(日) 10:00-17:00
場所 Eエリア
参加料 無料
定員 交代制(体験会)
概要 観て・触れて・楽しめるスラックライン!認定B級ライダーによる1mの高さでの実演や、初心者向けの体験会など。10/7-8はプロによるトリックラインパフォーマンスが見れる!特別ゲストは木下晴稀。
日程・時間 10/7(土)・8(日) 10:00-17:00
場所 Cエリア
参加料 無料
定員 なし
概要 本場フィンランドのサウナテントを、衣服を着たままで体験できます。屋外設置のサウナテントに入り、薪ストーブでのロウリュ体験を楽しもう!※荒天等により中止となる場合があります。
日程・時間 10/7(土)・8(日) 10:00-17:00
場所 Fエリア
参加料 無料
概要 先日世界同時発売を開始した『SPECIALIZED TURBO LEVO SL』のテストライドができます。(E-マウンテンバイク)ライドクオリティーと走破性をモーターのアシストパワーと融合させ、曲がりくねったシングルトラックを切り裂くよう走り、地形を利用してジャンプを決め、スキルと体力を高めたいライダーのために作られたバイクです。

Yamabiko Dome

9036-4, Airport East, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, 390-1131 Japan

By public transportation

《Route Bus》From Matsumoto Bus Terminal, take the "Airport/Asahi Line" of Alpico Kotsu to "Yamabiko Dome-mae" (about 30 min.).
《Taxi》About 25 minutes from Shiojiri Station

Shinshu Sky Park Access Information