The Suspicious Expedition Series," "Harken and Summer Oranges," "The Tale of the Mountain," and More—These Books Have Inspired Many to Step into the World of the Outdoors.
Author Makoto Shiina is finally making an appearance at the ALPS OUTDOOR SUMMIT. Having explored fields across the world, from the Arctic to Patagonia, as well as within Japan, Shiina will share his rich outdoor experiences and thoughts on gear.

Makoto Shiina|Author
Born in Tokyo in 1944. He is an author.Since 1979, Shiina has been active as a writer of novels, essays, and reportage. His notable works include "The Genealogy of Dogs" (Kodansha), "The Tale of the Mountain" (Shueisha), "Ad Bird" (Shueisha), "The Birdman of China" (Shinchosha), and "The Golden Age" (Bungeishunju). His latest publications are "Continued Desire to Disappear: Farewell, My Friend" (Shueisha), "Goodbye, the Fishers of Small Fish!" (Shogakukan), and "The Zoo on My Desk" (Sangyo Editor Center). Recent works include "I’m Hungry and Starving: Frying Pan Hopping on a Moonlit Night" (Shin Nihon Shuppansha), "Desire to Disappear" (Shueisha), and "Come Out, Sea Monsters" (Shin Nihon Shuppansha).He has also written numerous travel books, exploring and adventuring in places like Mongolia, Patagonia, and Siberia. His hobbies include campfires and traveling to distant places.