Making Matsumoto the world's best outdoor site.

Matsumoto City in Nagano Prefecture is the gateway to the Northern Alps and has plentiful outdoor sites.
We want to take advantage of this location and make Matsumoto the world's best outdoor site.
The ALPS OUTDOOR SUMMIT will serve as a hub to make Matsumoto an international city
that outdoor manufacturers and outdoor enthusiasts from all over the world aspire to visit.

Representative Director of ALPS OUTDOOR SUMMIT General Incorporated Association Representative Director of REISEN Co. Junichi Murata / Producer of TV commercials, video productions, and business development Let's talk about the outdoor in a place close to the outdoor sites.

First of all, we wanted to discuss the outdoor activities, not in the city, but in a place close to the outdoor sites. Also, we decided to hold the event in Matsumoto, the gateway to the Northern Alps and a city that values crafts, because by doing so, we thought that both visitors and exhibitors would be inspired. And it could affect positively the future of the outdoor industry. Based here in Matsumoto, we would be delighted if we could create an opportunity to enjoy Nagano's wonderful nature and to touch the souls of the manufacturers.