NODEL design

NODEL design

NODEL design

NODEL design

NODEL design

NODEL design

NODEL design is an outdoor brand launched in 2022 and the products are designed by Mr. Beck, a well-known stylish camper. Based on his own outdoor experience in bad weather, he pursues functionality with a focus on “easy evacuation,” and aims to create products that are compact, have as few parts as possible, have a simple structure, are easy to set up in the dark, and are easy to evacuate in case of emergency.

What is NODEL design's craftsmanship?

“The spirit of pursuing beauty that functions.”

The word “design.” Many people may think of it as a word that expresses the appearance only. On the other hand, NODEL’s concept of “design” is more profound and goes beyond the outer aspects of the product.

To create products that users feel comfortable using; to consider what is truly necessary for the outdoors to become “a third place to adjust the center of one’s lifestyle” for the user.
NODEL thinks through the necessity of functions and tools from various angles and does not neglect the process of solidifying this axis. And this axis supports the external beauty of the product as it pursues a high level of design.

They are not just beautiful; NODEL products are supported by absolute functionality that underpins their beauty. The beauty that lies on this foundation is the “functional beauty” that NODEL continues to pursue.

Brand's Signature Gear

Butterfly table

There are already many designs in the world for tables, which are a necessity in outdoor activities. NODEL has redefined the standard with this new product. It is a thin table that requires no assembly and can be used immediately by simply unfolding it. It was designed with everything from the scene of taking it out of the house and then loading it into the car to the order in which it is set up for camping in mind. This is an original product unique to NODEL that truly realizes beauty that functions.